Did you know the U.S. Government recently released over 13,000 JFK assassination documents, but 3,000+ files are censored or still locked inside the National Archives and the FBI and CIA have been fighting to keep them from becoming seen by the public?
Did you know 50% of people polled think JFK's assassination was part of a larger conspiracy and 31% are convinced the CIA was involved?.
Did you know 44 recently declassified files reveal Lee Harvey Oswald (the "lone gunman") worked directly with the CIA prior to JFK's assassination?
Did you know when they arrested Oswald and asked him if he murdered the President, he said, “No…the first thing I heard about it is when the newspaper reporters in the hall asked me that question”?
Did you know two years before his death, JFK spoke to the Newspaper Publishers Association and referenced “secret societies,” “secret oaths” and “secret proceedings,” urging the press to report the truth no matter what political party they supported?
Did you know JFK warned of a “monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence—on infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion instead of elections, on intimidation instead of free choice"?
Do you know the definition of the words JFK used?
• monolithic
• ruthless
• conspiracy
• covert
• infiltration
• subversion
• intimidation
• guerillas
Did you know JFK said there existed a “tightly knit, highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific and political operations” and that its “preparations are concealed... its dissenters are silenced”?
Did you know Aristotle said the most hated and unnatural form of money making is usury, "which makes a gain of money itself"?
Did you know the President of the Bank of England and the second-richest man in Britain said, "The modern banking system manufactures money out of nothing. The process is perhaps the most astounding piece of sleight of hand that was ever invented. The Bankers own the Earth”?
Did you know the Federal Reserve is a privately held institution that creates money out of thin air and charges the U.S. Government interest on every dollar it generates?
Did you know when the richest 1% of the world have generated almost twice as much wealth as the remaining 99% since 2020?
Did you know six months before his assassination, JFK authorized the Treasury to print a new form of currency and that he issued $4B dollars' worth of this new money free of debt and interest, allowing the U.S. to conduct business without the Federal Reserve Bank?
Did you know as soon as Kennedy was buried, the United States Notes were pulled out of circulation and destroyed except for samples in the hands of collectors?
Did you know in 1862-1863, President Abraham Lincoln printed $450M of new bond-backed U.S. currency with green ink (aka “greenbacks”) to distinguish them from the Federal Reserve notes in circulation?
Did you know in 1865, 41 days after President Lincoln's second inauguration, he was shot by a man accused of being connected to the private bankers?
Did you know less than a year after Lincoln's assassination, U.S. Congress authorized the Treasury to “retire” the extremely popular greenbacks in circulation—thereby contracting the money supply and causing U.S. families to suffer extreme financial hardship?
Did you know the total amount of U.S. dollars in circulation in 1866 was $1.8B, in 1867 it was $1.3B, in 1876 it was $600M and in 1886 it was $400M, which represents a 760% loss in buying power over 20 years?
Did you know in that in 1891, private bankers stated that they were going to refuse to renew loans, foreclose and take possession of farms east and west of the Mississippi by 1894?
Did you know in 1907, the U.S. money supply was so scarce that a wealthy business man named JP Morgan offered to prop up the failing American economy by supporting banks with money he manufactured out of thin air?
Did you know that Congress let JP Morgan manufacture $200M of his completely reserve-less, private money and allowed him to buy things with it, pay for services with it and send some of it to his branch banks to lend out at interest?
Did you know in 1910, the world’s richest bankers all met secretly at Jekyll Island, Georgia and conspired to create a “Central Bank” funded by the private bankers who owned the Federal Reserve?
Did you know that three of the richest men in America opposed the idea of a Federal Reserve and a Central Bank and all three of them died in 1912 during the sinking of the Titanic (which the other bankers decided not to board at the last minute)?
Did you know that in 1913, Congress passed the Federal Reserve Act, consolidating the powers of all banking to a privately owned Central Bank?
Did you know during WW1, the German Rothschild banking family loaned money to the German government, the British Rothschild banking family loaned money to the British government and the French Rothschild banking family loaned money to the French government?
Did you know the Federal Reserve reduced the amount of money in circulation by one third between 1929-1933 — triggering “The Great Depression”?
Did you know the son of Mayer Rothschild said, “I care not what puppet is placed upon the throne of England...The man who controls the British money supply controls the British Empire” and "Buy on the sound of cannons, sell on the sound of trumpets"?
Did you know since JFK’s death in 1963, the United States has participated in 25 wars around the world, the majority of them in countries not yet equipped with a Central Bank?
Did you know the week Jesus was crucified, he went to Jerusalem for Passover and entered into the temple with a whip, flipped over tables of coins and chased out money changers who were charging interest?
Did you know Jesus descended from a royal bloodline spanning over 40 generations that included King Solomon and King David?
Did you know Jesus’ birth and life were predicted for thousands of years and that King Herod demanded the execution of all male children under the age of two because he was so afraid of the prophesied birth of the Messiah ("the anointed one")?
Did you know Joseph and Mary fled to Egypt to protect their infant son Jesus from being killed by Herod’s men and that after Herod died, Jesus was brought back to Israel and raised in a town called Nazareth in the district of Galilee?
Did you know Jesus met a girl named Mary from a neighboring town called Magdala and that he fell in love with her?
Did you know Mary was Jesus’ most devoted disciple and that their marriage began a dynasty partnership between the Tribes of Judah and Benjamin, which had historically competed for influence and political power in Roman-occupied Israel for generations?
Did you know Mary is pictured in "The Last Supper" and an upside down triangle ("Grail"), representing the True Holy Trinity (Father, Mother and Child) sits perfectly between her and Jesus?
Did you know Jesus and Mary had children and grandchildren and that the bloodline remained intact and incognito for 400 years, eventually ascending to royal positions in France and other parts of Europe?
Did you know after Jesus' death, Mary of Magdala, her children, Jesus' parents and others were smuggled by ship out of Jerusalem and taken to a large Israeli population in France?
Did you know there is a secretive religious group in the Middle East called the Druze who have been strictly marrying within their villages and bloodlines for thousands of years?
Did you know the Druze have one of rarest DNA markers in the world, found in less than 0.1% of the overall population, with the highest frequency of this rare DNA coming from the residents of villages near Jesus' hometown of Nazareth?
Did you know in 2015, a DNA study of Abraham Lincoln's mother, Nancy Hanks, revealed she has the extremely rare mitochondrial marker in her DNA called “X1c”?
Did you know Abraham Lincoln’s real name is Ibrahim Khaleel Kahlooni and that he was raised in Libya by descendants of a small ethno minority group called the Druze?
Did you know William Wallace Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln’s third son, became the Great Freedom Fighter, Omar al Mukhtar, who fought against the Italian Military Invasion of Libya from 1911 until his arrest and execution in 1931?
Did you know William Wallace Lincoln (a.k.a. Omar al Mukhtar) had a daughter named Mary who was wed to a royal prince from the Druze' bloodline and that they had two children?
Did you know Joseph Patrick Jr. and John Fitzgerald Kennedy were born in Libya and sent to the United States to be adopted into the Kennedy family?
Did you know Joseph Patrick Kennedy, Jr. did not die in WW2 as reported, that he married Marilyn Monroe and their son is General Michael Flynn?
Did you know the airplane recovered from the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean is not the same plane JFK Jr. owned or flew and that witnesses said they heard a loud explosion and saw a white flash in the sky where the plane went missing?
Did you know JFK Jr. said, “Everyone expects me to be a great man...it would be a much more interesting challenge to see if I could make myself into a good man”?
Did you know JFK Jr. aspired to be an actor and performed in several theater productions, a television show and a movie?
Did you know in 1997, JFK Jr.'s magazine had a '2020 Survival Guide' predicting “An over-populated planet choked to extinction from a lung-attacking virus” as well advice from JFK Jr. to put the issue of the magazine “in a safe place somewhere and take it out in 20 years”?
Did you know JFK Jr. and Donald Trump were very close and when JFK Jr. was once asked if he would run for president, he replied, “I think you should be asking those questions of Donald…He’d clearly have the most extravagant winter White House”?
Did you know Donald Trump's biological mother died in a suspicious suicide and that he was adopted into the Trump family 189 days after he was born?
Did you know Abraham Lincoln’s son, Thomas “Tad” Lincoln, did not die from tuberculosis in 1871 as reported, but lived in Libya, got married and had children?
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Did you know General George S. Patton is the biological father of President Donald J. Trump?
Did you know in 1988, Oprah asked Donald Trump if he'd ever run for president and he said, “I would never want to rule it out totally because I really am tired of seeing what’s happening with this country"?
Did you know in 2017, for the first time ever, the U.S. military stood behind the President during an Inaugural Address and turned their backs as Trump said, "We are transferring power from Washington, D.C., and giving it back to you, the people"?
Did you know shortly after President Trump’s inauguration, he went to Saudi Arabia to meet with Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman who, after Trump's visit, arrested hundreds of Saudi royalty (some killed) in a kingdom-wide, anti-corruption purge?
Did you know in 2017, President Trump visited heads of state, royalty, the Pope and the world's wealthiest bankers, then held a press conference surrounded by his top military leaders saying it was "the calm before the storm"?
Did you know in February 2021, the country of Myanmar was shut down by its military, revealing their 2020 elections had been manipulated by using the same electronic voting systems used in the United States Presidential elections?
Did you know in 2018, President Trump signed an executive order declaring any country or person caught interfering with United States elections would be prosecuted and have all of their assets confiscated?
Did you know on October 28, 2017, a user known only as ‘Q' began posting to an online message board and claimed to be a small group of military intelligence helping to take down a group of global elite who control money, media, world politics and the trafficking of weapons, drugs, sex workers and children?
Did you know “Q Access Authorization” is the highest level of security in the United States Department of Energy (DOE) which gives access to Formerly Restricted Data, Secret Restricted Data and National Security Information?
Did you know Q posted, “There is Q. There are 'Anons'. There is no ‘Qanon’... WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU CANNOT ATTACK THE INFORMATION?”
Did you know on March 28, 2020, Q posted, “Patriots in Control of the Federal Reserve System. This is not another [4] year election”?
Did you know Q declared, "You are watching a movie" and asked, "What makes a movie GOOD? GREAT actors?"
Did you know during wartime, the military has used encrypted codes and "code talkers" as a means of secret communication?
Did you know if you add up each letter of the English alphabet (A=1, B=2, C=3,... Z=26), the total sum of all of the letters is 351 and when you add up the phrase "GOD COMMUNICATES THROUGH NUMBERS" it also equals 351?
Did you know a Twitter user with the handle "Patrick Bouvier Kennedy 777.....17" claims he is the son of John F. Kennedy and Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy and that he did not die as an infant on August 7, 1963 as reported by the media?
Did you know on March 13, 2021, a man named Michael Brian Protzman started a channel called "NEGATIVE48" on the social media app Telegram, saying his name equals "JOHN F KENNEDY JUNIOR" in Gematria and that he was going to Dallas, TX for the reappearance of JFK?
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